Sunflower Bouquet
The perfect summertime gift! May and June are the best times for sunflower blooms and as such they make perfect summertime gifts but they can be enjoyed any time of year. They're...
The perfect summertime gift! May and June are the best times for sunflower blooms and as such they make perfect summertime gifts but they can be enjoyed any time of year. They're bright, vibrant, and beautiful. Add some additional sunshine to your day with this pleasant bouquet of sunflowers.
This bouquet includes Sunflowers, Tulips, and Solidagos with Lemon Leaves and Ruscus greeneries. 15" clipped, 17" w/ vase.
How to Care for Your Bouquet:
Clean Your Vase to Avoid Bacteria.
Fill 2/3 Vase With Water.
Make Sure Leaves Don’t Touch the Water. Remove if Necessary.
Change Water Every 2-3 Days.
Keep Away from Direct Sunlight and Avoid Spraying Flowers with Water.
Keep at Room Temperature in an Environment with Air Circulation.