Pop the Big Question in Style

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Pop the Big Question in Style

Relationships are important. Important relationships are critical. Critical situations require thought and in some cases, style. Make a statement that says you're ready to level up; this time is now.

People have been giving flowers for centuries and they never fail to dazzle. There are many ways to showcase an endearing feeling toward someone special but none are as complementary as a bouquet of colorful stems. The combination of scents and aesthetics makes flowers the perfect gift for equally perfect situations, and none is more so than proposing to your perfect partner.

A proposal is a momentous occasion, one ripe with invitation for chronicled memory. Special care is taken with planning and implementation to the tone of rich detail down to the angle with which a friend is tasked to photo the occasion for your future nostalgic embrace. Words are kind, the kind that bring us closer. To complement your delivery, gift wrap those words with flowers.

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Ways to deliver the big question

Put her favorites into actions. If you're planning to propose to someone, you should know that person's favorite flower. Buy a bundle of those flowers and use them to pop the question. Since you only have two hands, hold the ring in one hand and flowers in the other. It's simple but it does the trick.

Deck the stairs and hallway with rose petals. Some people prefer the traditional one-knee thing while others just let things fall as they may. Some like a romantic evening at home. If this is more your style, try the rose petals strategy. This one is classy and can be quite nice. Your girlfriend comes home to find a trail of rose petals from the entryway to the bedroom lit with candlelight. Admit it; it sounds sexy, right? And it should; it's its purpose. Conclude the evening with The Question.

Surprise her at work. Depending on what she does to make money, this one may require some thought. If she works in the labor sector, a surprise might be difficult to arrange. For example, if she's a farmer and you show up with flowers, she may have a hard time storing the bouquet until she's back in her office later that day. If this is the case, plan a time to come by when you know she's already in the office. Maybe bring her her favorite dinner entrée coupled with a bouquet of her favorite flowers. The size of the thought matters not; what counts is that it exists.

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Decorate the proposal space. This one makes it kind of obvious but can be quite charming. This approach makes the most sense if you two have already been talking about marriage. If dialogue has already begun than a proposal may be expected. If it's expected, make it special with thoughtful decorations. Use flowers to produce an aesthetic that creates the right mood for your delivery. She's expecting you to ask so your nerves should be calm. However, care should be taken to ensure the decorations are themed correctly. If you need a creative boost, a good baseline is this: less restaurant birthday party, more thoughtful creative. Here's an example: Place roses on the ground of one of your favorite spots in a design that spells out, "Will you marry me?" There are countless examples; just use your imagination.

Leave her a gift. Let's say she's on her way out the door, opens her car door and finds a bouquet of flowers on the passenger-side seat. Or how about when she comes home and walks into the kitchen and finds a big batch of flowers on the countertop. Or what about when she goes into her side of the closet and opens a drawer only to find a bundle of flowers. These are just some ideas you can implement to express admiration for your partner. It would be wise to add a note to any bundle. Otherwise it's like, "What the heck are these random flowers?" With a note it'd be more like, "Oh, sweet! Flowers from my guy; I love him." You get the idea. Be thoughtful. There are countless ways to leave little gifts around for your partner. This kind of situation is a great way to set the stage for the hours to come on the day/night you're planning to pop the big question. There's no wrong answer but it's never too soon to start thinking about things like this.

The Build-Up Strategy. This one requires a thoughtful approach to creativity. So here's the deal with this one: You plan a series of small gifts leading to the time and place you plan on popping the big question. For example: Let's say you want to make your move at dinner but you don't want the evening to be so predictable so you plan a small set of activities leading up to dinnertime. The first of which could be a note you leave on her bedside stating how important she is to you. The second could be an email you send her at lunchtime listing all the ways she's improved your life. The third could be flowers from you to her as she walks through the door when she gets home. The fourth could be making her her favorite meal for dinner. After dinner, champaign, cake, engagement ring, done!

Go classic with a bouquet of roses. If you're not the creative type, that's okay. Sometimes all you need is a dozen red roses. Nothing expresses admiration quite like roses and they come in a variety of colors if you wanna go classic with a touch of modern. This is one where you can present two items at once: roses and a ring. This is a simple strategy but one that's known to consistently produce results.

We can help

How you plan and implement a proposal is your call. That person loves you anyway so try not to overthink it, just do something that feels right. Whatever you decide, we can help you find the perfect flower bouquet to help make your evening even more special. Contact us today!

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